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International Students Engagement

Hosting organisation

As a hosting organization, four essential steps should be prioritized to guarantee the success of our intern students at every stage of their journey.

Before student interns arrive

  • What to prepare within the organisation
  • What to prepare with local partners
  • What to prepare with the Universities

When student interns just arrived

  • What information to provide in Induction
  • How to deliver the Induction

During the internship period

  • Best practice in running internship activities
  • Best practice in monitoring, formative evaluation, and feedback
  • How to conclude the internship experience

After internship is finished

  • How to improve future internship programs within the organisation
  • How to improve future collaborations with Universities
  • How to keep engaging with internship alumni

Prospective placement students

This placement provides students with practical, hands-on experience in a professional setting related to their field of study.